We respect the intellectual property rights of others. Posting content that violates another party's intellectual property rights is prohibited. 

When provided with the requisite information, The Women's Social Club will remove or disable access to material that infringes on the intellectual property rights of others or remove accounts of those who may be repeat infringers. Please note that simply hosting an event around a similar topic in a shared location is generally not considered a violation of our policies.

Intellectual Property

Copyright and IP

The Women's Social Club does not allow any content that encourages or glorifies self-injury or encourages others to harm themselves.


The dissemination or promotion of misinformation is prohibited. This includes claims that have been scientifically disproven and that may pose a public or personal health risk.

Harmful Misinformation 

Using The Women's Social Club to promote, facilitate, or organize violent, criminal, or non-consensual actions that endanger anyone, physically, mentally, or emotionally, is prohibited. 

The Women's Social Club reserves the right to remove credible explicit and implicit threats of violence or aggression and revoke the membership of the user who made them. Examples of prohibited implicit threats include, “The next time I see you, you’ll be sorry.” and “You better watch your back.”

No Threats, Violence, or Personal Endangerment

All organizers and members should take ownership over their personal safety and should never put themselves or others in danger. We expect all organizers and members to be mindful of local laws when engaging with their groups. Where appropriate, organizers should also set guidelines for their events to ensure their members are participating safely.

Be Safe

Hate speech, supremacy, or behavior that incites hate or violence against individuals or groups of people based on who they are or their beliefs, is prohibited.

Hate and Supremacy

Any attempt to use someone's insecurities or vulnerabilities for personal gain is considered manipulation or exploitation and is prohibited.

Act with Integrity: Do Not Manipulate or Exploit

Harassment and bullying are not allowed on The Women's Social Club. The Women's Social Club will honor requests to remove content that publicly shames or degrades a private individual. 

Harassment is persistent or non-consensual contact from another member. Bullying is the intentional posting of mean content for the purpose of hurting or embarrassing another.

The Women's Social Club will honor requests to remove nude, lewd or shaming photos if the subject of that content reports it. Content targeting a public figure, organization, or anyone who has gained news attention, is not subject to these policies.

Be Compassionate: Don't Harass, Bully or Shame

Bullying, harassment, exploitation, and acts of hate undermine community building in safe spaces where people can trust one another. Building real relationships requires us to be more compassionate and kinder towards one another. The Women's Social Club enforces against behaviors that are threatening, intentionally malicious, or personally harmful--physically, emotionally, or mentally.

Be Kind

Posting private information of other members without their explicit consent is prohibited.

Members and organizers should always be mindful of privacy and use discretion when sharing any private content that belongs to themselves or to other members. For example, phone numbers, social security numbers, addresses, financial information, passwords, and government identification are considered private information.

Respect Privacy: Don't Post Other People's Private Information

The Women's Social Club defines consent as welcomed communications and actions to engage with a member. Engaging with anyone in a non-consensual way is strictly prohibited. If ever in doubt, ask permission.

Ask for Permission: Consent

The Women's Social Club has a zero tolerance policy regarding child nudity of any kind, pornography, or anything The Women's Social Club believes exploits, sexualizes, or fetishizes minors. Such content will be removed from the platform and the uploader will be banned. The Women's Social Club reports all child pornography to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).

Child Exploitation

Gratuitously graphic, disgusting, obscene, or violent content is prohibited. We don't allow content posted to upset, shock, or disturb a The Women's Social Club community or its members. 

Shocking, Disturbing, and Violent Content

The Women's Social Club prohibits individuals who use The Women's Social Club to proposition for sex, or to promote or engage in prostitution. 

Sex Solicitation and Prostitution

Pornography is not allowed on The Women's Social Club. Publicly shared photos must be appropriate for general audiences. Nude or sexual photos are not allowed in public spaces. 

Sexual Content and Nudity

If you are blocked, you’re blocked. Members must accept and respect any member's decision to block another member from contacting them on The Women's Social Club. Members must also respect any decision from The Women's Social Club to suspend or terminate their account due to a policy violation. Additionally, you are not permitted to post content or promote events on behalf of a member that has been banned or blocked from using The Women's Social Club.

Respect Block and Ban Decisions

Altering, modifying, or changing the content or settings of an event without permission from the main organizer, is prohibited. 

Don't Tamper with Events

Content sent to a member that is irrelevant, impersonal, unsolicited, promotional, or repetitive is spam.

Message Respectfully: Don't Spam

Respecting people's time, attention, personal choices, and personal boundaries is essential to creating safe and trusting communities. Be respectful in interactions with people and in content posted on the platform. The Women's Social Club monitors and restricts behaviors that are dishonest, undermine the integrity of the platform, violate personal boundaries, or serve to intentionally upset people.

Be Respectful

Creating fake accounts, malicious accounts, or accounts meant to impersonate another person, is prohibited on The Women's Social Club.

Fake Accounts and Impersonation

All members should be open about who they are, their intentions, and their affiliations. All chapter and event descriptions should be accurate, so members can make informed decisions about their participation.

Event feedback and ratings are important indicators of a member's experience at a The Women's Social Club event, and are meant to offer relevant and valuable insights into an attendee's experience. All members should leave feedback that accurately reflects their experience at a The Women's Social Club event. For example, it is a violation of our policies to leave a negative event rating solely in an attempt to harm the ratings for someone you dislike.

Intentions, Affiliations, Transparency, Feedback & Ratings

The Women’s Social Club profiles are intended to represent real people in a local area. The Women’s Social Club member profiles must be honest and authentic.

Be Real

Usage and Content Policies