Interested in Finding Out More about WSC?

What better way to learn more about The Women's Social Club than to hear directly from our members?! Scroll through our member interviews and testimonials below.

wsc member testimonials

WSC's Events Make Meeting New People Easy!

make new connections

Our Monthly Socials Focus on Supporting the Community Around Us

get involved

We've Replaced Traditional Networking with Building Genuine Connections

build your network

A Fun Way to Get to Know New People While Exploring New Things To Do in Your City

find community

If you’re craving a community of women who will genuinely cheer for you…

You've come to the right place!

"I've met and forged connections with amazing women who are like-minded in being adventurous, curious, and ambitious. WSC keeps events fresh with the breadth of speakers, activities, and venues which have allowed me to explore new interests and places around the city (I'm a recent transplant). I've made new friends and professional connections, which at times overlap in this group as I recently referred a WSC member to join my team at work! I'm so grateful to have discovered WSC and look forward to the monthly events!"

"I've met and forged connections with amazing women who are like-minded in being adventurous, curious, and ambitious. WSC keeps events fresh with the breadth of speakers, activities, and venues which have allowed me to explore new interests and places around the city (I'm a recent transplant). I've made new friends and professional connections, which at times overlap in this group as I recently referred a WSC member to join my team at work! I'm so grateful to have discovered WSC and look forward to the monthly events!"

- sabina

"It's often very difficult to form new friendships when you move to a new area as people are already ingrained in their own set circles - it can be awkward and intimidating to break into that. In contrast, The Women's Social Club is very open, warm, and friendly. It's a blessing that Hannah organizes it all and I can show up and connect with the women in the group who are now my friends. After my first event, I told my husband, "I think I have finally found my tribe." WSC makes forming friendships fun and easy. It's a fantastic concept and experience that I think all communities around the world would benefit from."


finally found her tribe 

Yes, WSC Really Works

Yes, WSC Really Works

"The Community Partnership between WSC and NWNG is not an average one. The women from WSC have made it their mission to go above and beyond to support our organization which goes without words sometimes. I am in awe of Hannah’s leadership, the women of WSC and the ongoing support from this tribe of women who are making impact in their community. The women of WSC have changed the trajectory of The No Woman, No Girl Initiative for a lifetime."


increased community support

"We have the most beautifully diverse group of women, and everyone is willing to help each other out if the moment arises. Another great thing about WSC is the connection we get to make with local businesses. I joined for the community but what I didn’t realize is I would find my community within the community of the city I call home. The most unexpected WSC side affect I experienced is the fact my husband actually loves it for me. He proceeded to tell me he loves it for me because I always come home so enthused about life. He explained to me that finding this community has made every other part of my life better whether I realized it or not. It’s been great to be a part of the WSC journey and I can’t wait to see what comes next."


her city has become her home

"The Women's Social Club played a huge role in the opening of my event venue. I joined right around the time we were getting a wedding venue open (while in a pandemic) and the encouragement from not only Hannah, but the rest of the ladies in the group really meant a lot. 

"The Women's Social Club played a huge role in the opening of my event venue. I joined right around the time we were getting a wedding venue open (while in a pandemic) and the encouragement from not only Hannah, but the rest of the ladies in the group really meant a lot. 

grew her personal and profressional network!

It was great exposure for my new business and we were able to reach an audience we may not have otherwise. By hosting a few meetings the members experienced our space and we've gotten quite a few referrals since. Everyone is so welcoming and willing to support local, female owned businesses. This group has done wonderful things for my personal and professional relationships and I can't recommend it enough!"

Chelsea Hand, WSC Member and Event Partner

Is WSC Right For You?

You need to finally make time for making new connections

You're overwhelmed by traditional networking groups

YOu WANT TO BE MORE more involved in your community

You're tired of feeling alone

you're ready to meet new people and discover new places

The Women's Social Club's sole intention is to continue to create opportunities for women to come together and become fully who they were truly meant to be, and we would love to have you along for the ride. Find out more about our Membership below. We can't wait to welcome you!

Welcome to WSC's Community

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is that a yes?

“If you're on the fence, let me just say this is the absolute best decision you can make.”

- dare

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Enjoy 50% Off WSC Membership

through july 31st:

Use Promo Code JJ50 and receive 50% off your first month of membership for the monthly option, OR 50% off the annual membership (which breaks down to 6 MONTHS FREE)!⁠